The New Generation Uniting Nations is dedicated to amplifying youth voices, particularly those from minority and marginalized backgrounds, in global decision-making processes. We strive to empower young leaders to actively address pressing global issues, including preserving world heritage threatened by war, climate change, environmental pollution, religious conflict, and extremism. Through innovative strategies and collaborative efforts, we aim to integrate diverse youth perspectives into UN-level discussions, fostering a more inclusive and representative international dialogue.
We envision a world where youth from all backgrounds, especially those from minority and marginalized communities, are integral participants in shaping global policies and solutions. The New Generation Uniting Nations aspires to create a future where:
1. Youth voices are not just heard but actively influence international decision-making processes.
2. The unique perspectives of marginalized communities contribute to solving complex global challenges.
3. Intergenerational collaboration leads to more effective and sustainable solutions for preserving world heritage and addressing climate change.
4. Young leaders play a pivotal role in promoting peace, environmental sustainability, and cultural understanding.
5. The United Nations and other international bodies fully integrate youth participation in their core operations and decision-making processes.
Through our efforts, we aim to cultivate a new generation of global leaders who are empowered, informed, and committed to creating a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world for all.
Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) is a prestigious human rights organization accredited by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). Headquartered in The Hague, GHRD is steadfast in its commitment to protecting human rights and providing credible and comprehensive human rights reporting. Our focus is on addressing areas and issues that have historically received minimal attention from the general public and mainstream media.
GHRD is rooted in the belief that every human being, regardless of race, religion, gender, or background, deserves to live a life free from discrimination, oppression, and injustice. Our journey is inspired by the unwavering principle that selfless action is the true catalyst for positive change. Drawing upon universal principles of empathy and compassion, we work tirelessly to build bridges, forge alliances, and nurture a global community where human rights are upheld and flourish.